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Created for: The Sims 3
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Ursula Fleming doesn't exactly make getting to know her a trivial matter. This bookish and brilliant Renaissance woman seems to be more interested in her computer than she is in you. You're quite sure, however, that once you surmount her defense mechanisms, you'll find yourself amply rewarded.
Though she seems to have simoleans enough, you may be unaware how she actually earns a living. To the best of your knowledge, her only professional work consists of part-time employment at the book store.
Twin sister to Felix Fleming, who is, more or less, a polar opposite personality. (See link in the recommended section.)
I only used resources available with the base game to try to ensure the appearance would be as consistent as possible for everybody.
- I own only the World Adventures and Late Night Expansions
- All resources available in the base game
- No sliders used
- No skins used
- No store content
- No custom content
For more minimal custom content, slider-free Sims created by me, please visit my Sims website: http://uatu.net/sims/
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1186147
ItemID: 1186147
Filesize: 2 MB
Though I do own the World Adventures and Late Night expansions, I intentionally did not use any of those resources in the creation of Ursula. The only compatibility issue I could foresee is that the Late Night expansion has a bust size slider that I don't think was available in the base game.
All resources used are available in the base game. I used no external sliders or custom content.
- The cmomoney pose player and everybody who freely provides poses for it.
Credits: thewatcheruatu
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: