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Created for: The Sims 3
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My allegiance to Dark Lord was discovered, all due to that insolent boy Potter! Azkaban is not a place for a man of refined society; all the niceties I am accustomed to have been taken from me: servants who waited on my every hand and foot, expensive robes made by the best tailor and drink that changes its flavor with every taste. Oh, how I miss to indulge in the finer pleasures and how I miss my Narcissa. Yet, she won't forgive me easily . As of late, dementors surround me, torturing me with memories I wish to forget. I have nothing to guard myself from the pain I must endure. I have shamed my family, and I have shamed my Lord. I can only hope that Draco will not be thrown into this affair.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1089198
ItemID: 1089198
Filesize: 5 MB
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Eyes by LemonLeaf and suit discovered on http://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailList.nhn?blogId=jinhee_a&categoryNo=81¤tPage=5.
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