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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
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A world for sims to face challenges and play games to gain skill and earn various items. The world consists of the main path of games and extra slots for big or mini games as well as challenges. In order to get to the lots along the main pathway, you must unlock/go through the lot before it.
There are different types of games (including mini-games) or challenges that one can play. This may include one or more of the following descriptions:
Thin route-based = Narrow route to travel. Not much room to move.
Wide route-based = More open area to move along the route
Decision = Based on choices. Usually more than one choice to get the end.
Obstacle = Things like rubble, rocks, statues, traps, etc may be in the way of your path.
Skill-training = the lot involves skill building.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1632617
ItemID: 1632617
Filesize: 13 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

For more information visit https://elanomalous.wordpress.com/adventureland-a-board-game-world/
There is a small community square for those who want to play this at least somewhat like a regular world (such as having careers or part-time jobs, shopping for groceries and books, or chilling with a bit to eat, some entertainment, or relaxation).
For residential lots, there are 4 furnished homes of different sizes, a base camp, and 2 empty residential lots.
There are also 2 distribution lots. These lots are for when you want to bring a household from the library or save a household in the library on a smaller lot for affordable pricing when moving from that lot in your desired world to another.
There are extra empty lots designated for tutorials on other games. In this case, this introduction/tutorial lot is made for helping one understand how to do something or as a little preview of the game. These lots are always accessible.
Credits: See website given for any credits.
Expansion packs: World adventures
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: