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Created for: The Sims 3
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Based on the Angelina Ruiz fashion doll from the Tyler Wentworth series by the Tonner Doll Company. Being a part-time model as well as a popular modern artist, Angelina is very well known on the artist's circuit. Not only does she display her own work in the gallery she owns, but she also sponsors new and rising stars in the art world. An opening at the Ruiz Gallery can almost guarantee success of any new artist. However, even though Angelina is quite well known in her world, she is a private person and seldom discusses her personal life. Made with World Adventures, High End Loft Stuff, Ambitions, Fast Lane Stuff, and Late Night.
Everyday hair is #000377 at Peggyzone -- http://www.peggyzone.com/Sims3Detail.html?id=000377&sortId=00
Formal hair is Flor de Fuego, part of the Cante Captivating set at the EA Sims3 Store -- http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:24592&categoryId=11959&scategoryId=11991&pcategoryId=11989&ppcategoryId=11989&gender=female&startAt=0
Formal outfit is Desert Rose Dress, part of the Cante Captivating set at the EA Sims3 Store -- http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:24593&categoryId=11584&scategoryId=11870&pcategoryId=11867&ppcategoryId=11866&gender=female&startAt=0
Formal shoe is Pump Me, part of the Fanciful Fashion set at the EA Sims3 Store -- http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:19336&categoryId=11584&scategoryId=11871&pcategoryId=11867&ppcategoryId=11866&gender=female&startAt=0
Swim and Sleep hair by Rose Sim -- http://www.rosesims2.net/sims3/hair/rose_sims3_hair02.htm
Second file on that page -- rose_sims3_hair005
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1029278
ItemID: 1029278
Filesize: 6 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

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Credits: Peggy and Rose for the custom hair
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs:
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