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Created for: The Sims 3
Venetian masks are a centuries-old tradition of Venice, Italy.
The Medico Della Peste (The Plague Doctor) with its long beak is one of the most bizarre and recognisable of the Venetian masks. The striking design has a macabre history originating from 16th century French physician Charles de Lorme who adopted the mask together with other peculiar sanitary precautions while treating plague victims. Traditionally the full face mask is white consisting of a hollow beak and round eye holes covered with crystal discs creating a bespectacled effect.
Today, the masks are often more decorative
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1044912
ItemID: 1044912
Filesize: 418 KB
2 styles + bonus
4 recolorable channels
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