AGM334 (2812701)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Apr 26, 2012
About Me
We luv Sims 3 and TSR but we noticed that there are a lack of Sims that look like us. So, to help make TSR an even more diverse place we decided to not only download other artists's creations but to share our own. First we'll start by attempting to share our Sims then maybe we'll try using the workshop and upload some other creations as well. More to come soon.
My Guestbook Show All
LCSimsAug 15, 2014
Thank you!
stormniteFeb 07, 2013
PralinesimsOct 13, 2012
Thank you for commenting!!! Have a sweet day!♥