APhantasm (1504937)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

APhantasm Mansion 3
Published Dec 25, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (24 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

AP Child Dress
Published May 1, 2008
About Me
Well I have been creating for Sims 2 off and on for close to two years and never filled this out. I am a portrait photographer by trade, or trying to be in these hard economic times. I am also close to finishing college after 18 years. After the middle of August I should have my degree. I create now for Sims 3 in my spare time, I will probably go back to Sims 2 and actually try the challenges while I continue to build in Sims 3.
My Latest Updates Show All
First WorldWritten May 01, 2011
[B]Desert Castle[/B] Here is my first world (uploaded, actually second world being worked on - the first I'm not sure I will share). This is made from a heightmap uploaded by auntielynds @ MTS. This is Version 1, Version 1 has lots already placed. Version 2 will have scenery added, eventually. It is available from [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?x9xh0jd1fob8yb7]here....[/url] ... ...More
An Intersting ExperimentWritten Jun 23, 2009
I was just reading the forums here at TSR and notice an interesting experiment someone was doing. The person has a child and her parent homeless, their homelot is just a field with a couple benches. I think this would be an interesting story to try and recreate. You can find the original idea for all this at. http://aliceandkev.wordpress.com/ ...More
My LotsWritten Jun 23, 2009
Well I hate it when someone decides to change the rules mid stream. TSR changed the upload rules. 9 of my lots that they had approved in the last 3 weeks have been sumarily rejected cause they now don't want to use the default pictures that the game exports with the lot. Pretty much I have to go back in do ingame screenshots and turn around and get them reapproved. This will be... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 20, 2009
You did a great job on your creations Thanks alot for sharing them
justtschibiSep 11, 2008
hi Thanks for commenting my undies for the well rounded teens. you said yu like the texture but not the mesh ... i just wanted to inform you that all of these wrt undies are available for normal shaped teensims too take care, tschib
senemmSep 01, 2008
hi again!
just wanted to say that if you can place it and play with please send me a message I would be happy if everything is ok or at least you can place it!