Aliengirl821 (1223689)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

56 Lookout Peak Rd
Published Jun 4, 2011
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ruhrpottboboMay 21, 2012
Thanks for nie comment abput my love chair, the aquarium coffee table you get
Icia23May 04, 2011
Hi! Thank you so much for your comments on my creations take care
MsBarrowsJan 25, 2011
The Bentform furniture set is actually on my list of things I plan to convert over to TS3 eventually; it'll be a lot of work though, as pretty much the entire thing will need to be rebuilt (or at least remapped) to work with the TS3 texturing system.