AllenABQ (594332)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (25 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Full, Thick Beard - Blonde
Published Oct 21, 2005
About Me
My creations are generally about giving realistic-looking body hair to male sims in "The Sims 2".
My web site is There are currently no uploads there. All my work for now remains on TSR. But you can view more detailed pictures of the skin tones.
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BeOSBoxBoyDec 10, 2008
1000 praises do I offer in thy name before the altar of my ancestral gods! (hugs) You will always be a rock star in my book!
Rad47Mar 09, 2005
I love your hairy skins! Especially sets 1 and 4B. Why are they gone?
oldmember_maxxieJan 08, 2005
Thanks for concentrating on a major deficiency in the masculinity of our Sims.
You are one very talented and obviously patient dude.
I bow in in honour.