AmaryneDesign (2243880)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Hot summer top with denim shorts...
Published Aug 5, 2008
About Me
Welcome to my site!
I'm a Norwegian girl in her late 20's and I'm a self proclaimed "Simaddict" I love to design houses for Sims 3, both from houseplans and free imagination, with realistic architecture and interior design. I'm an educated interior designer in real life. I have a soft spot for the mix between contemporary, rustic and classic styles, and when it comes to taste and my houses (including real life) often reflects this. Creating sims is also one of my favourite things to do in the game.
My portfolio here on TSR might not be large at the moment but I've been creating clothes for Sims 2 (mostly for Frannysims' bodymesh Momma Lisa) as AZANTHEA and AMARYNE. As Frannysims seemed to have more or less vanished over time, so has many of my creations (though still collecting pixeldust on my harddrive) Since I've turned my focus on to Sims 3 I'm hoping to be able to gain the understanding I need to create clothes, furniture and building items soon.
My Latest Updates Show All
I've returned!Written Oct 27, 2011
Finally! So I know I haven't been the most active designer for years, but I've played the games whenever time has allowed me.. I have switched completely to Sims 3 so from now on all my content will probably be Sims 3 only.. After being forced to delete and re-install sims 3, a staggering 7 times, I almost gave up on ever having a town I could call my own. I've finally had... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
LeClaireLevilleSep 04, 2008
I hope you plan on making more CPU clothing! very classy, ty
CELLERPIAug 06, 2008
Hello Amaryne ! I love your creations You make a great work !