Ame-C (1841289)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (23 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Bantry Bay Shops
Published Jan 4, 2009
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Hi everyone, I still only have sims 2 creations on my site. Hope you are still enjoying it.
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luckyoyoMar 13, 2012
Hi, Thank you for taking my Poll, I wish you a wonderful Tuesday.
maxi kingOct 02, 2011
Hi my friend!I hope you doing fine.We didn't had such a nice summer here but it is ok.I'm not much here anymore.Have a wonderful time!TC Irmtraut
hiedibear75Jul 02, 2011
They say "Hello ". That's awesome! My kids no longer Sim when they come over.....well my son does from time to time. Oh BTW since I talked with you last; my eldest is off to college (she's completed her junior year & will return to BYU in the fall) + she is getting married in August, my 2nd daughter Kirstin is completing a course in nursing & has already gotten married, yougest daughter is working & finishing her highschool credits, & my son.....he's hopefully getting back on track.....& just leave it at that. It's summer here on our side of the world (kinda hard to tell SOME days) & so we've been going to concerts, car shows, & BBQs. Well speaking of which.....I'm off to a friend's BBQ as we speak. C ya L8r. Take care & love to you both.