Arnero (3440905)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (39 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Calm sea by Arnero
Published Sep 7, 2011
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About Me
Hello everyone,
I am what you might call a periodic simmer. Got Sims 3 after A and WA came out and before that I had not played since early Sims 1.
I love this site and all the work the talented people in this community do and share with untalented people like me
Hopefully I will figure out the designing and building in the future and be able to share with you my (at the moment box)houses.
P.S English is not my first language (Icelandic) so you will have to excuse my (poor) grammar.
My Latest Updates Show All
Lavalane 2 - HelpWritten Jun 29, 2011
So I decided to send out a cry for help in the form of a challenge. In my screenshots and on forums you can see my new real life house. As you can see it needs something...yes that something is a garden and some color. Therefore I sent out a plea to anyone here at TSR who has the will and the time to design and decorate for me. Why? because my husband and I cannot agree as to how we want it to... ...More
Houses emergingWritten Jun 20, 2011
4 houses on the site now, and I am quite happy with them, specially Redhaven which I am playing mostly these days. Had to add another story to the house because of the growing family and I didnt want to move lol. I hope people enjoy playing those houses and I have 4 half built at the moment, struggling with the garden for all of them as usuall :) Have a great day! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
LUCKA50May 04, 2014
Good afternoon, first of all I send you my best greetings from Prague. I have seen your pictures to The Sims 3 in simspack. I would like to ask you if it would be possible for you to make a golden plate of a celebrity in simspack for me. I have a photo in .png, I need just put it to simspack. If you would agree then I would send you a photo to your e-mail. I have all the discs of the Sims 3. My e-mail: . I thank you very much for your answer and for your understanding. I wish you a nice day. With my best regards Lucie Šroubková
luckyoyoDec 25, 2011
Merry Christmas And A Healthy And Happy New Year To You And Your Family!
srgmls23Dec 23, 2011
Olá (hi) ;D Thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment in my house ...
I wish you a Christmas full of peace, love and happiness. And you realize your dreams ... But mainly to continue to dream ...... always! Merry Christmas! and Happy 2012.. Sérgio..