Bayou Babe (420642)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1755 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Liberty Art
Published Jul 5, 2006
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
Come see me at as Kelin Rose, I have many new things there.
My Latest Updates Show All
RetireingWritten Jul 04, 2006
From this point on, I'll no longer be making things for TSR.. I've had to stop doing things for myself and thinks of my family and kids. Thank you for all the downloads and nice words you have given me up to this point. The content i have now will always remain here, and not be removed. Thanks for all you have done for me here, BayouBabe! ...More
More ContentWritten Jun 10, 2006
Well as you've noticed I've uploaded alot of new things, and more to come. My husband has recently been diagnosed with cancer, and it's called Myxoid Liposarcoma. It's the cancer of the fatty tissues, and it's on the back of his right leg. He's being admitted into the hospital for 5 days, every 21 days. I've been staying up late at night, because my kids don't like to sleep. So expect... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
littlelambJan 06, 2008
Rather than thank your for all the great coloured singlet and boxer swimmers seperatly [have downloaded all of them], I decided to come here and say thanks. It is so nice to see singlets in other colours besides white and grey. Thanks heaps and great job
CherylgassMay 16, 2007
I love the downloads Thanks! Cheryl
DreamWeaver772Jan 13, 2007
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your Chargers outfits. This Sunday, my founder Sim (now an elder) is planning dress himself in his new team clothes and park himself on his sofa with his chips and drinks to watch the division playoff.