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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
My 8th pose pack.
Sims I use : Kei Fujiwara (fyachii.tumblr.com) , Liz (Me)
Thanks to my sensei, Fyaa. XD
And CC creator.
PS :
1. You need Pose Player to use all the poses : http://modthesims.info/d/438706
2. You can use any refrigerator for male 1 and 2. (for 1m, make another sim to take something from fridge. After the fridge door open, pause, then go to buy mode, apply cheat - moveobjects on -, move the sim who using the fridge to another place, then move the male 1 to replace it.)
3. Get the Cup here : http://sims3.modish-kitten.net/post/49746823232 (I use the frappuccino)
Height (omsp) : 1f : +-46cm | 2f : +-49cm | 3m :136cm | 4m : 150cm
4. OMSP : http://modthesims.info/d/428179
5. Just any sofa you have for the female.
TOU : Don't upload it to another site. If you do, please LINK BACK here or my Tumblr.
Have short story on the notes tab. *Wink
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1289613
ItemID: 1289613
Filesize: 181 KB
Liz : So yummy.
(Open the fridge)
Kei : Hm? Where is that?
He look inside the fridge once again.
Kei : That's strange.
(Close the fridge)
Liz : ......
Kei : Liz, did you see my frappuccino that I put on the fridge?
Liz : ?! H-huh..hmm..no.. *Gulp.
Kei : Really? Then..what is it on your hands? Is that my frappuccino?
Liz : T-this is..n-no..(B-busted?)
Kei : Hm?
Take a peek from her side.
Kei : *Smirk
Walk closer and snatch the frappuccino from her hands.
Liz : Ah!
Kei : You little thief.
He chuckles.
Liz : I-I'm not! I-I just want to taste it. Let me taste it a little bit more, Kei..
Kei : No..no..once you have this, you'll finish it in no time.
*Drink the frappuccino.
Liz : Ugh..no..I promise.
Kei : Nu-uh.
Liz : Come on...Give me sooommmeee..Don't be so stingy..!
Kei : Nope.
Liz : Keeiiiii...
Kei : *Chuckle.
Credits: Fyaa and CC creator
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