BinhCreactions (4046570)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Jennifer Lopez
Published Sep 26, 2011
About Me
Hello, I'm Binh and i'm a Sims video director who enjoy creating stuff and designing
Yeah anyway i'm creating:
Animations, clothes, makeup, recolours, designs and Sims
Here's my YouTube Account!�
My Latest Updates Show All
New Celebrity Sim!Written Sep 24, 2011
yh! i'm uploading or yh i'm waiting for my Jennifer Lopez Sim to get published! :D Yay! I know! I made her when she was younger! my best celebruty sim i think! Anyway thanks for reading! ...More
yh, idk what sim i should work with! :oWritten Sep 24, 2011
Hey There! Yh, the title says it all! I made a Zac Efron sim but i paused it and forgot to save the photoshop project so the whole project got ruined! :/ Yh i know it sucks! Anyway, i'm looking for high and big quality pictures on internet and decide who i'm going to make! And i'll take requests! yh, i made brad pit but i made it with the wrong metod so i had to delete it... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
adrianxdalinAug 26, 2013
SuperTaco992Nov 24, 2011
Hey its DisneySims can u make a Britney Spears Slave 4 U sim