BlindHatred (439388)
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Frank the Pimp
Published Apr 22, 2005
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About Me
Once upon a time there was a mongoose. He was a very maniacal mongoose and his name was Sir Skguhniggles. One strange and dreary day, Sir Skguhniggles (or Skggy, as he would prefer to be called were he not so maniacal) was out working in his garden when he spied an ox wondering around the nature preserve. Skggy did not much care for the nature preserve in which he currently resided, but he also did not much care for oxen and definitely did not care for them tromping about so close to his garden. So Skggy did what every noble mongoose, maniacal or otherwise, would do. Gathering up all of his strength, Skggy let out a loud, high-pitched, mongoose scream and ran at the ox, baring all of his pointed teeth. Now, the ox, we shall call him Steve, was not a coward by any stretch of the word. He was a very brave and noble ox. But the sight of a small creature with pointy teeth randomly shooting out of the bushes shrieking like maniac is enough to make even the bravest of oxen extremely confused. And so Steve, the brave and noble ox, ran out of the nature preserve and back to his pasture, and the only thing he could say to his fellow dismembered bulls was, "What the hell just happened?" Sir Skguhniggles, content in the results of his maniacal outburst, returned to his gardening. And they all lived maniacally ever after. The End.
My Guestbook Show All
mightyfaithgirlApr 05, 2007
Crazy yet wonderful creations!Tahnks
Mistress UselessOct 09, 2006
I LOVE the thrift store halloween stuff! Very creative!
Uma DesignMar 26, 2006
Just want to let you know I luv your clothes, and so do my sims!