Blufix (2895874)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

In mirror starter house.
Published Jan 4, 2010
About Me
Hi! My name is Christie[14] and I'm a excentric person...My mood depend of weather.Example: When it rains,I feel tired and with a low mood.
Since when I'm playing sims?Since 2005,when I bought sims 1.[I know it was sims 2 at the market,but I wanna start with the begining.]Then,about 1 year later,I've bought sims 2,sims 2 nightlife,pets,seasons and Teen Style Stuff.Those were the singles expansions bought. :blushing: and now I bought sims 3 and sims 3 world adventures.I still have sims 1 but sims 2 I gift it to my young cousin[8].
I'm very proud of myself,and that's it for now.
My Latest Updates Show All
What is love?Written Feb 18, 2010
Hey Guyz.I'm back and I've got with me a story... Hope you'll like this... is short... but maybe you'll like that. It's called What Is Love? . So... wait the story to be accepted and then posted.:) ...More
Sad.Written Jan 20, 2010
I'm so sad because the moderators rejected my first part of story"Fire & Lipstick".I think if they won't accept my story,I'll never post other again,because I worked hard.I haven't a crew.I done this job alone.And now I'm mad. ...More
Fire & Lipstick.Written Jan 15, 2010
Hei guys.I upload the first part from "Fire & Lipstick" story.Please read it and comment. :) Love ya! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Divinefelinep.Jun 03, 2010
Hey Christie just thought i'd stop by and say hi and let you know that the 2nd chapter of my story is out so you can check it out if you want and tell me what you think hope your day went good
shaml_sim Mar 19, 2010
Hi there Christie! Thank you very much for checking out and commenting on my new story, Hidden, I appreciate the positive feedback I'm very pleased you enjoyed the first chapter and I'm working on getting the next chapter out as soon as I can. I've been quite busy, though, and haven't got much of a start on it. However, I'm planning to soon. Thanks again and have a wonderful day!
mirandachristineMar 17, 2010
Thanks so much for lovely comment! Part 2 of Life is Good will be out soon!