BreeZy_BaBy (2883230)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Run Down Dump
Published May 1, 2011
About Me
I'm pretty cool
I'm more of a downloader than a creator, I'm dabbling here and there. I can't quite get the screen shots right... I've taken them in game but they always turn out small and blurry. If anyone can give me a dummy guide or an easy trick to make them look better that would be great
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nadyarts97Feb 28, 2015
HH, the hair I use for children can be found on
altea127Oct 19, 2011
Hi thank you for commenting my creations
P.S.:are the socks of the basic game
lilliebouMay 23, 2011
Hemm... hello breezy I'm glad you like my house " Pop ! " but look more carefully The required EPs are always written in "Note" The reason why it's written "Base-game compatible" is that no EP are REALLY required, since the game will replace EPs objects with base-game objects Majority of lot builders will write the "required" EPs in "Notes" Have a good day !