Callisto149 (1864125)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (652 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Calli_TC76_Bijoux Living Room
Published Feb 12, 2008
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About Me
I'm mom to two adult sons, one teenage son, and a pre-teen (but still hormonal) daughter. And I have the most wonderful man I could possibly ask for as a big part of my world. I'm working in retail, just for the season, which was supposed to be just the Holidays, but I'm not ready to go just yet. Luckily, it IS my choice.
I've been doing some creating - recoloring, actually - and I'm getting the hang of it. I really enjoy it, and am involved with a couple of textue challenge groups, including the one here at TSR. The friends I've made there have been wonderful! It is hard to fit it in around my own projects, though. My RL friend frogger got me started on TSR, and has been a huge help with all my questions. Gotta love her!
One of my biggest frustrations with this game is that I still can't install lots. They crash my game, and I have to restart it. I love some of your lots, but I can't use them! Maybe I'll find a solution someday. I love being a part of this group, and enjoying all your creations and getting to share mine.
My Latest Updates Show All
Spreading the good newsWritten Nov 09, 2008
I've been away from here for a long time. Honestly, I needed to be away from any and all drama. I've learned to mesh clothing, and I did try once to submit a set of recolors of one of my meshes, only to have it turned down, because I change the name of my stuff. Whoever turned it down claimed that without the number string that Body Shop puts at the beginning of an item, it won't work. That... ...More
Creating againWritten Mar 16, 2008
Hi all! I'm beginning to create again, after a bit of a break. But, I've made a decision. Some of my work will be submitted to TSR, but mostly only recolors of subscriber-only meshes. ALL of my work, except TSR-subscriber-only meshes will be at Frankly, that's where my focus is now. I'm a valued staff member/artist there, I have control over my submissions, and when... ...More
Slowing downWritten Mar 02, 2008
I've managed to catch something (cold, flu, I don't know...) and I'm slowing down on creating. Actually, right now, I'm NOT creating. And, since TSR is being very slow at approving submissions, right now, I guess it's a good time. I am also splitting my submissions between here and another site, as well. I really prefer submitting to the other site, but I won't abandon the people here who... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayFeb 23, 2009
Just wanted to say your creations are wonderful You did a great job. Thanks for the work and for sharing them
andi and grimDec 24, 2008
Hi, just here to say merry Christmas and happy new year!
hiedibear75Nov 19, 2008
We've been OK. I have been feeling OK. It was raining.....but the key word there being WAS. Sorry you had a horrible house guest. I hope your nerves will be OK. I have been having hit or miss when it comes to meshes.....thankfully at least some is working for me. I've just been immersing myself into my story writing and other Sim related activities (EXCEPT making cc ). Well I shall SIM you around. Boil me something good in the cauldron.