Candyrain (1851835)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (125 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Monotone Misses
Published Oct 25, 2007
About Me
Well, in a nutshell; I'm just your average tea-drinking, gun-toting, Sim-playing wanna-be diva who has way too much time on her hands!
My Latest Updates Show All
SO excited!Written Nov 10, 2007
To my surprise, I've been appointed as an SA! It's truly an honor, and im so excited - actually, I'm giddy, lol. It's going to take a little time for me to create and upload my upcoming designs - gotta make sure the "homefront" is ok first, but I have lots of ideas, and I'm looking forward to sharing them with you all! I hope you'll enjoy them, and thank you so much for your kind comments... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fortunecookie1Mar 22, 2009
Hi Candyrain! It's great to hear from you again! Thank you so much. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!!
fortunecookie1Mar 22, 2009
Hi Candyrain! It's great to hear from you again! Thank you so much. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!!
fortunecookie1Mar 22, 2009
Hi Candyrain! It's great to hear from you again! Thank you so much. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!!