Chillen (1938432)
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SIMcredible!Mar 04, 2021
That detail on the curtain is a bit tricky but here we go.
It was made using this sideboard:
Then, open console (control + shift + C)
type bb.moveobjects press enter
out of the console type Control + ´ several times (to make it smaller)
and press 9 to shift it up on the wall.
To make it easier, you can press alt key, to place the object whatever you want.
Happy simming!
NynaeveDesignNov 28, 2018
There was an EA patch a while ago, that broke some of the objects you mentioned. TSR ran a site-wide batch fix, so you could try and download the objects again. Alternatively, both TSR and S4S released a batch fix you could use to manually patch (all) the objects in your mod file.
emeraldNov 08, 2018
Hi! Chillen,
I'm so happy that you found the floors in your game! Thank you so much for your lovely comment!