CookingWithSims (2518365)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

3 Bd 2 Bth Home with a Gazebo...
Published Jul 1, 2009
About Me
Hello! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my spot here on I have been a member for a long time but only recently fell re in love with the Sims 4!! I love the Sims 2 and have now fallen in love with the Sims 3. I have some of the expansions and want them all !!! LoL I am planning to learn to create clothes, my family laughs at me for this due to my true fashion victim status. I have published two of my house here on I did make a great trailer park but I couldn't get the file small enough. Trailer parks are on my favorite to build list. It's turned into a tradition among my family and friends that when you get a new expansion, we make a trailer park, put it on a thumb drive, and share it amongst ourselves. It really is a hoot to see what everyone comes up with for 'their trailer'. I love this site and my sister and I enjoy 'shopping' for our sims on It's kind of like shopping with out a huge price tag that forces you into debt. I love how in The Sims if your sim is low on cash and in a bind, POOF! Ctrl + Shift + C and motherlode that sim financial worries are gone. Anyways have a great day / nite!
My Latest Updates Show All
Thank YouWritten Oct 25, 2009
<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> As a person that had previously never submitted anything to TSR I did not realize the importance of the 'thank artist' and 'comment' feature on the site. I have downloaded for a long long time (I remember when the entire site was FREE) I rarely if ever said thank you or commented. I always figured that the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sharon337Oct 06, 2024
HI, Thank you for your comment
HelenaAug 03, 2014
Hi, thanks for your comment on my work, I'm happy TS2-creator
PralinesimsMar 14, 2013
Thank you for the feedback!! Have an amazing day!!! xoxoxox!!