~**Corien**~ (4678949)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Aug 29, 2012
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
~*** Hello and welcome to my page...
Well as you can see my name is Corien lol
i'm 15 years old and i just LOVE sims ,
i mean who don't it is so awesome hmmmmm
new to this web site...***~
oh and im maybe one only going to upload
horses and some other pets because
and a animal person i LOVE horses and dogs
thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day
My Guestbook Show All
ziapinaAug 30, 2012
Hi dear Corien, thanks a lot for your wonderful comments on Linea and my Sim Liu. Soon, I hope to see more lovable pets from you. Have a fantastic weekend and see you!
ziapinaAug 29, 2012
Hello dear Corien, Sorry, I can not say for sure ...because...I have made my account on the old TSR site...it was ready, when the new page came here. But...I found this in the forum:
Murano say in the Forum:
This is for everyone. Make sure you have 'featured' at least 6 creations of yours to make them appear on your minisite. Further make sure you have set the right preferred game here:
-So Sims 3 at it...
It should also be 6 screenshots, I don't know ...
ruby10232 had a good solution... look here their mini site http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/ruby10232/
...she used a link in About me!
...do not give up. Your animals are so cute.
Many greetings! HUGS!
matomibotakiAug 26, 2012
Hi the nickname thingy is it on the top next to "My prifile" ? And if it is I can't find it it only say "My account ,My blog and so on byt nothing about updating my page stuff ?!?! And I hope you have a wonderful weekend 2 --- that´s it, click on it shows your screenshot and you side will be updated with the chosen things!!!