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CrazyTulip's Guestbook

maxi kingMay 10, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Petra!Thank you so much!That is a lovely page!\:DI hope you havind a wonderful day!And Thank you again for your great help!\:wub\:TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMay 6, 2009

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you for being so quick but I didn't mean them!In the 1.5.09 post are rooms!The hall is the last one and there is that door I mean!Could you have a look for me,please!Also I was at that page but I cant find my way through there\:\(Thank you\:wub\:

maxi kingMay 5, 2009

\:wub\:Hi!I wanted to ask you something,I saw at the finds at DLMouslow your update,I tink it was a view day's back and I noticed an open door on one picture wich looked like a open window,so I'm not sure if it was a window,door or ark?But I liked it a lot and I thought you could maybe tell me were I could get it from?That would be so great!Thank you!\:wub\:

AngelaMar 17, 2009

Hoi Petra,   Bedankt voor je reactie op mijn Classic Nursery, ik ben blij dat je hem mooi vind! Met mij is verder alles goed hoor, wel net weer beter zeg maar, Griep heerst hier behoorlijk en na alle kinderen werd ook ik ziek \:\( Ach.. hoe is het bij jou daar? Hier is de lente eindelijk begonnen. Groetjes, Angela

kibanahnahJan 26, 2009

Petra! Do you realize that we are talking at the same time on two different websites?!! That's crazy! ^__^ Anyway,thank you so much for commenting the Adagio dining room.After all the time i kept you waiting,i hope i won't disappoint you and that you'll enjoy it!\:wub\: Giant hugs!

kibanahnahJan 4, 2009

Hi Petra! First i want to wish you a Happy New Year with all love joy and happiness in the world!i hope 2009 will be a year full of wonderful surprises for you and all the people you love!\:\) About my trip: i was in the airport less than two hours ago! i realize that it's almost midnight,that i just came back to Paris and that i'm actually on my laptop like some obsessed junkie! but well,i couldn't resist reading my daily comments and it feel right,especially when i receive one from you!^__^ i'm off to sleep,hoping that my latest set will find a little place in your download folder! *Cassandre*

charrayDec 6, 2008

I love your lots \:rah\: \:rah\: You did a fantastic job on them \:\) \:\) Thanks alot. Keep up the good work \:\) \:\)

robbyngirlOct 27, 2008

Hi! Thanks for your comment on my Maxis Matching Floors. I am glad that you like them!\:P

kibanahnahOct 6, 2008

Hi my friend! it's such a pleasure to find you here too!\:\) thank you for your great comment on my Promise living room,i hope you have a terrific time playing with it! ^__^ have a super nice day! *Cassandre*

Birba32Sep 27, 2008

Hi! Thank you for your nice comment on my creations, I'm happy you like it \:\)

mutskeJul 24, 2008

Hoi petra, Ik had je gastenboek van de week al getekend, maar ik kreeg geen melding of zo iets degelijks, dus ik dacht ga maar weer eens even kijken, en er was dus niks. Maar daar ben ik dan weer. Ja keukens komen me echt nog niet mij S...t uit hoor. Ik ga alleen even een paar weekjes met vakantie en er dan weer tegen aan. Dank je voor je complimenten. Groetjes Anja \:rah\:

SimSylvia40Apr 26, 2008

\:D und ich brech mir einen ab. toll endlich wieder jemand dem ich in Deutsch antworten kann ohne das ich mein schlechtes Enlisch hervor holen muß \:D Das ist mir immer sehr peinlich und jetzt erst recht, eine Holänderin in den USA spricht auch noch Deutsch und ich bekomm keine drei Wörter hin\:D Ich muß das Haus leider neu erstellen, es ließ sich nicht mehr reparieren, ergo, es dauert leider noch etwas bis es kommt, hab noch drei Häuser die noch hier ausstehen.

SimSylvia40Apr 26, 2008

hi, thank you for commenting my Lot SimS. Street 16, but the House has a Mistake, sorry \:o The Ground is blue, i must Upload the House new.The house is announced and should be removed actually. Sorry, my English is not so good.

srgmls23Apr 25, 2008

hi \:D thanks so much for the you left at my lot "Night club".. i've really aprecciate it :P Thanks again.. Sérgio \:D

shakeshaftMar 18, 2008

Hi, just want to say thanks for taking the time to comment on my creations, it is really appreciated. Happy Simming!! Andrea \:D

eviJan 10, 2008

Happy new Year! \:rah\: Thanks for your comments on my pet beds. \:\) See you around\;\)

cashcraftJan 1, 2008

Hi, thanks for your lovely comment on my Vanity Fair Bedroom set. Happy New Year! Carolyn \:D

AlyoshaDec 27, 2007

Thanks for the Congratulations! And a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too! \:\) As to how many lots I build in a week, it all depends really. Sometimes I only build two lots, but if I am really feeling inspired, then I build around 5 - 10 lots.. it all depends really. So, there. Happy Simming! \:rah\: Alyosha \;\)

mutskeDec 19, 2007

I wish you and your family a merry Christmas a very happy Simming New Year!!!

Angelbabe1983Dec 15, 2007

Merry Christmas from me to you!!! MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts

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