The house that toppled over!
Upon accident I stumbled upon a foreign site that I believe is Korean and at this site is a brilliant creator that makes Lots for Sims 3. These Lots are no ordinary creations by no means, they are CFE masterpieces and his/her creations are mind blowing. Could make a grown man weep from the sheer beauty. The Lots struck me as very inspirational and as a beginning creator for Sims 3 I feel that it has altered my course of creating dramitically. One of the earlier creations that this person made is a house that appears to be upside down, it is complete genius. I wanted to create a similiar effect and expand on the idea, so after many hours of poking, prodding, trial, and error I found out how to replicate the exact result of the creator. Not only has the creator inspired me but also guided me into a crash course of using CFE. So thank you creator for which I can not name ;-)!
Now this is only the test product, I plan on expanding the floor plan and as for the style of the house I am not quite for sure. The house will be of my orginal creation but draws inspiration wise heavely off of the creators own work. I wish I could give proper credit but I do not know the creator/s name or anything, after all I do not speak Korean.
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