Crissie0721 (590875)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (282 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Mar 31, 2008
About Me
I don't think I can describe myself as the artistic type... I scrap most of the stuff I make. Maybe, 1 out of 5 things I do is submitted for publication. I do think the quality of the stuff I make has improved, though that's probably due to the fact that I'm getting better at using my software! LOL
99% of the things I create are for myself as I actually play the game as much a I create. LOL It really tickles me to be able to share what I've made and watch it be downloaded for use somewhere other than my game.
All comments & suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
My Latest Updates Show All
Elder Clothes...Written Feb 14, 2008
I'm amazed at how many people thank me for doing skins for female elders. I just want to take a minute to say thank you to all of you who download my creations. I became obsessed with the fact that my "Granny" looked frumpy and had such a 'crappy' wardrobe selection, so I learned how to make my own. All of the clothing I have here is stuff that I've made to have for myself in my game. (I have... ...More
Opinions Please...Written Jul 26, 2007
I'm currently working on several textures that caught my eye, however, I would like some opinions on them before I put a ton of time and effort in to making them into sets. Soooo ... if you're reading this and would let me know what you think... THANK YOU !!!! ...More
Coming soon....Written Jul 16, 2007
I've just finished a new set of towels Candy Striper Towel Collection . I may make matching rugs, but haven't decided yet. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayOct 06, 2009
I love your creations You did a wonderful job! Thanks alot for sharing
luvmy7Dec 25, 2008
Crissie, I would like to wish You a very Merry Christmas. Filled with all the Wonderful Love of Family and Friends. Have an Awesome Day Tomorrow.
kayannaMar 29, 2008
I just want to tell you how much I adore your designer curtains! Please, give us some more! I can never find enough pink or blue based beautiful drapes, and yours are as close to perfect as I've seen! Thank you so much, and I'll look forward to more of your drapes in the future!