Deathfaith (2945550)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (17 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Ceiling Fan
Published Feb 8, 2011
About Me
I am a middle school student planing to go into graphic design/ coding for video games. I can make a 3D model of *almost* anything. I am starting to be able to code programs.
Starsign: Ophiuchus
My Guestbook Show All
murfeelJan 17, 2011
Thanks so much for liking my Medieval Dragon Tower Castle *blush*. You wouldn't BELIEVE how long that lot took me to make; I had so much corrupt CC hidden in my game at the time; I was getting crashes like 5 times a day I am making the furnished version now -- wish me luck!
murfeelJan 16, 2011
Hi! Nice to meet you! I am honored to be the first one to sign your GB! I saw your Globes for download and really liked them; thanks so much for making such brilliant creations! Keep it up! ^-^