Dr-X56 (1239346)
About Me
I'm a 22 year old construction builder from Norway and I love my job. Though it can be hard sometimes and really annoying But it worth the pay i get. I'm engaged with a lovely Asian girl and she also using my account to make story's and always comment nicely if she don't.. She never mean it by harm, for she has a heart of gold!
If you want a picture of the world, imagine a
human face being stomped at.
In my secret garden only flowers grow
The smell of nature embraces me, life
If the world was perfect, it would be a disaster!
My Guestbook Show All
shelllharnSep 07, 2008
hey there the 3rd part of love hurts is out take a look and tell me what u think xxx
skyblue7377Sep 05, 2008
I really enjoyed your story...the screenies were beautifull
crystal_89Aug 09, 2008
Thankyou for taking the time to comment on my story, im so glad you liked it, also thankyou for the constructive criticism, the second part should be out tomorrow if you want to read it. Thankyou again, have a great day, crystal