EarthGoddess54 (222250)
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7th Avenue Superset
Published Jan 22, 2008
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (107 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
I'm a 20-something college student, mother, wife, and pleaser-of-all-living. I've been a Sims fanatic, creator, and general TSR havoc-wreaker for many years. Time flies when you speak Simlish and panhandle for Simoleons!
I enjoy the Sims community immensely. So much talent & generosity in one place makes playing & creating for The Sims much more enjoyable! I am a member of TSRAA, a great group of talented TSR artists. I am extremely honored to call many of you friends & to be considered a friend in turn. I hope that you enjoy what I put out there but above all else, have fun playing! Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy a good read? Please check out these wonderful stories by some of the best writers here at TSR!
Saoz's newest story, Seasons of Change.
The Van Helsing Chronicles by drewsoltesz.
Visit Haunted Hollow for some awesomely spooky content!
My Latest Updates Show All
New ProjectsWritten Mar 23, 2008
I've expanded on the Get Schooled school-themed set with a Get Schooled Cafeteria. More on this theme coming soon! I have also started a new themed set called the Keep it Clean series. A variety of decorative and workable items aimed at cleanliness. Find all of this and more at I will be adding some recolors and more updates/screenies to TSR soon! ...More
RetiringWritten Feb 12, 2008
Hi everyone, I'm sorry to report that I am retiring as an SA here at TSR. I have many things occupying my time lately and I don't feel I can maintain the same level of activity here that I always have. It wouldn't be fair to keep my SA status at this point, so I'm stepping out and looking forward to seeing who takes my place. ;) I'm grateful to TSR for giving me a home to grow as an... ...More
Thank YouWritten Jan 14, 2008
Just a quick but sincere THANK YOU to everyone who has left a comment, posted in my guest book, and/or clicked that nifty little 'Thank the Artist' link next to my downloads. I wish I had the time to give each of you a personalized thank you, but I do read every single comment and treasure them all! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Apr 02, 2015
Thanks for sharing all the great stuff!
topaz27Jan 15, 2009
Hi, I would like to say thank you for all your 'Seasons' recolours, awesome work.
andi and grimDec 24, 2008
Hi, just here to say merry Christmas and happy new year!