ErikMesa1179 (2604056)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (28 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

EM3-FLW Guggenheim Museum
Published Jul 7, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (26 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Graycliff - Unfurnished EM-FLW
Published Nov 25, 2009
About Me
I'm Erik from Mesa, Arizona. I've been playing Sims and SimCity since both first came out (I'm ErikMesa on SimCity too). In real life I'm in my 40's, work in healthcare administration and help take care of my elderly parents. My hobbies include computers, reading books and car trips. I'm a huge fan of Frank Lloyd Wright and have collected 40+ books and over 15 color pencil prints of his work. I started drawing floor plans when I was 10 years old and should've been an Architect but joined the Navy instead (1179 in my name is the hull number of the first ship I served on before sub school). I really enjoy Sims2 for the architectural tools and have alot more fun building then playing the game. I've started on an ambitious project to build in Sims2 "100 FLW houses in a year". I'm currently building Usonian homes although I did tackle Fallingwater early which was very enjoyable. Update: I now have The Sims 3 and am continuing my project to build FLW homes (but not 100). I hope you enjoy my creations.
My Guestbook Show All
Cassidy simsMay 23, 2013
I really like your design and I want to ask you if you turn started to form in TS2.
i´m sorry my bad english
framedarchitectureJan 15, 2012
Hi Erik, Glad you liked the Hollyhock house! I see we share an interest in Wright's architecture! best, William
QubeDesignJun 02, 2011
Hi Erik, thanks so much for commenting on my Chestnut Hill build. I'm really happy you like it!