Ethelle (2767511)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sallow Cottage
Published Jun 25, 2010
About Me
"Listen! I have a powerful need to destroy some lives. If you can't make that happen for me, I'll just have to destroy YOU instead."
-Leila (Ctrl+Alt+Delete), on her pre-ordered TS3 copy's arrival
Huh. I just noticed that my birthday coincides with the (Dutch) release date of TS3: World Adventures. What a convenient coincidence. Anyway, I am a Dutch MSc student of Biology and Neurobiology, and a hardcore gamer. So hardcore, in fact, that I actually wanted to buy my TS3 copy incognito. "The Sims isn't even an actual game," I told myself, "I'm not a clich� girl gamer! All the guys will snigger behind my back when they catch me with a Sims game!" Fortunately, pleasant childhood memories of TS1 and recent positive reviews of TS3 got the better of me. I snatched a copy, paid for it without daring to look at the guy behind the till, rushed home, swept The Witcher from my desk and settled down for some serious simming.
My Guestbook Show All
AngelaMar 30, 2012
Hi there, Thank you so much for your comment! It should work with pets yes.
spladoumJul 10, 2011
Ah, screen 42. A good time being had by all. Maybe not.
simsjeanieApr 13, 2011
Good morning dear Ethelle, here I am to thank you so much for your lovely comments on Jonathan! I loved to read them today! (Sorry I'm so late but I have troubles with my internet closing the site down and I hope it will wait till I've finished this... ) The screenshot you like most I have as my desktop background to remember me to visit Jonathan again. But it's so weird - I always find me moving the mouse like mad before recognising that I'm not in the game! Have a great day and hugs from Jeanie, leaving some apples and a jug with that clear cool water of that well at your doorsteps.