Fikcija (1405692)

1Creations 256Downloads 39,866Pageviews

My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sims 3 — Fikcija sim self by Fikcija — My sim self. The closest I have managed to make. Quite accurate this time, I

Fikcija sim self

Published Sep 27, 2009

Sims 3 / Young Adult
By Fikcija
Published Sep 27, 2009
256 Downloads • 759 KB
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About Me

I currently live and write here and here

For my old profile, see below.

About me:
I am from Lithuania, but am currently living and studying (Creative Writing) in London. I used to play the very first Sims, now I am addicted to The Sims 2 and only play The Sims 3 once in a while. I spend my free time learning and performing music (singing heavy metal), learning dancing (street dances), photography and any creative activity I can get my hands on. If I had to describe myself in sims, I'd say I have Ambitious, Artistic, Bookworm, Loner, Perfectionist, Vegetarian and Photographer's Eye traits (it's too hard to pick just 5!). Lifetime wish - Rock Star

About my Sims 2 stories:
I am here to write and share stories about how I play with my sims, mostly the pre-made neighborhoods. You can already find stories about Pleasntview, Strangetown and Veronaville. My goal is to write stories about all 6 pre-made neighborhoods in The Sims 2. At first I was just taking pictures for myself, so Pleasantview and Strangetown could be a bit dull because I wasn't thinking of a story while playing, but Veronaville started with a plan. Currently my main focus is Veronaville Chronicles, but some day Pleasantview and Strangetown will make a come back.

About my Sims 3 stories:
It took me lots of time to tolerate Sims 3 because it contradicted everything I loved about sims. It had some nice things but it never made up for what I didn't like... But various circumstances led me to try a legacy in this game and I really enjoy playing that family as an easy break from other things I do. The legacy is my only Sims 3 story so far, but who knows... Maybe I'll learn to love it and write something else one day.

My Latest Updates Show All

I'm still writing, just not hereWritten Mar 07, 2016

I have recently resumed writing The Sims 2 Chronicles. Actually, I've restarted writing them. This time they will be better. And this time I'm sticking to it. If you're still interested in Sims 2, you can find my stories at I have also started a legacy-style gameplay story with Sims 3, which you can find at I... ...More

UpdateWritten Sep 02, 2013

I quit writing the chronicles because my computer died... I was in a foreign country and it happened in the middle of my exams, and I had a total panic and barely survived the end of the year, and believe me, sims were the last thing on my mind... However, I don't think I will be continuing the chronicles in here any more. I'll consider it, but it's highly unlikely. Instead, I am no... ...More

Coming back!Written Feb 03, 2013

I hope there are still chronicles fans out there :) Because I'm back. I would have been back earlier, but I spent half a year in a foreign country, with my new computer, and without my sims being installed on it :( As I didn't have time before leaving... And I didn't have the discs. But now I'm back, I really really missed my neighbourhoods, and I'm about to start writing again :) So look for... ...More

My Guestbook Show All

-kalisa-Apr 19, 2013

Oh wow, that sounds great! Good luck to you with your books! This sims 2 community does take a lot of time, have to agree with that

-kalisa-Apr 17, 2013

Hey! I totally failed finishing my master's studies last spring so I'm working on it right now (in theory ). I haven't really written anything for a while, I just plan all the time. Maybe one day I feel very active when it comes to the Sims 2, though, mostly because I have a simblr now and everybody posts sims things and so much is happening all the time. Also, many simmers are livestreaming and the best part is that there are so many who play TS2 only. TSR seems to be all about The Sims 3 now, they don't even want money for Sims 2 downloads anymore, not that I mind that Anyways, if you want, get a tumblr and come join the sims 2 community there (mine is and simmers call theirs simblrs ) and here's a link to the chatroom:

-kalisa-May 10, 2012

Hey! Yes, I have't written anything... I was working on Chapter 3 of Back to Pleasantview in January when all of a sudden I realised that Audrey should have lived in Belladonna Cove instead of Bluewater Village (because it would be believeable if I said that Belladonna is far from Pleasantview, I guess, and there has to be some distance between these two places...). So that kind of messed everything up in my story. Plus I had months of teaching practice and right now I'm working on my Master's project and it's not going well :S It has to be finished by 28th of May To be honest, I just want to give up and leave it to next year and return to simming. For a few days, I have spent more time on simming than on studying, and the proof is here:
Okay, long post. I don't like this new TSR very much...How are you doing? I noticed you have posted a new part of Veronaville Chronicles, very good

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