Flervin (3828255)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Monroe
Published Jun 19, 2011
About Me
I am currently in the US Navy Reserve after having served 6 years on active duty. In addition, I am currently working towards my degree in computer science from Penn State University.
I enjoy tinkering around in the garage on both cars and bicycles.
If there is something you would like re-skinned, drop me a message and I will attempt to accommodate
My Latest Updates Show All
House building perhaps?Written Jun 15, 2011
So apparently, I have taken a bit of a liking to building houses...as some of you may have seen, I have dabbled in the 10x10 lot. There is another one pending, that if approved, I hope you all will like...thus far my favorite small house to date. But we shalll see where all of this house building goes. I took a bit of a que from Degera and have decided to make up some of the... ...More
And the re-skinning resumes!Written Jun 11, 2011
The issues I was having have been resolved, and I am now going to be working on getting even more vehicles reskinned to various professional and college sports teams. With that in mind, I am willing to ask for suggestions of the teams you might like to see, and if you have a preferred in -game vehicle (meaning it already exists in-game) then just ask!. The main reason i am currently not... ...More
The start up of reskinning objectsWritten Jun 06, 2011
So, I am currently having uploader issues, but once resolved, I will be putting up 2 newly skinned Hot Rod Trucks that some may like. I am up for ideas, and if anyone has a request and simply doesn;t have the time to reskin, or whatever, let me knwo and I will see what we can do to get your items to your liking:) -Flervin ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DegeraJun 14, 2011
Hi! I wanted to leave a comment on your recent studio house, but for some reason it kept giving me script errors, so I'll leave the comment here instead "
it's been awhile since I've seen a log cabin, thank you! well done " Have a great day!