Foxi_ivey's Blog
I've stopped publishing boring posts
I've decided that I'll only publish blogs that have important updates from now on. the few of you who do read this were getting bored of my ranting, I'm sure. so from now on, once a week i'll post story statuses on each of my stories, and that's it.
sorry for posting so much
but at least I have something to say! Now, I'm debating having another story to go along with menace and Infinity minus five, but I can't think of any plots without pets appearing! GAH!!!!!
I am crazy
absolutely crazy. You know why? Because my mind stupidly made the plots of all my stories have PETS. So I'm going out of my mind because I can't create a ton of stories when I'm bored because I need to draw it out long enough that there's no irregular gap between the last non-pet story for that series! Luckily for me "infinity minus five" has a very loose plot, and therefore can be produced more than Menace without having to worry about catching up to the pets.
the first "infinity minus five" will probably be out soon.
I accidentally clicked the "bookmark this artist" button on my profile and it worked XD I don't think that should happen...
I know something you don't know
and that is the fact that I decided to cancel "my sister the angel" due to fear of it being offensive to some people. in it's place there will be a story called "Infity minus 5". it will be a combination scifi and comedy, as it will be about people living in a futuristic house that has a tendency to time-travel while everybody is asleep.
menace part 5 is in progress
and i think i should give you a preview:
MOOSoMi arrives!
Mia gets older! (but still younger than MOOSoMi)
Important thing with an exclamation point!
as october grows closer
my excitement grows heavier. Pets is coming October 18th. I have a story climax coming for Menace that needs Pets to exist; luckily there is enough build-up to that climax I'll probably be able to release a part of Menace every week or so, but I might be posting a little less because school starts soon, and I shall have homework...
you are making me sad. you know why? No comments on menace part four and an average rating of TWO POINT FIVE. I think the story is good! oh well-probably just some rating troll rating it a 1, making higher ratings balance it out to 2.5.
Over the past few days my kudos has been increasing moreso than usual. I was confused until I realised-my kudos income used to be solely from thanking the artist, logging in, and posting stories. However, now that I'm actually using the features of the site for more than just downloading and posting, otherwise being an online introvert, I've been having a much better time around the site!