Giuseppe778 (2727405)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (54 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Eco House
Published May 9, 2010
About Me
Hi to everyone, my name is Giuseppe and i come from Italy so excuse me if sometimes I had to write something incomprehensible. I love The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 very much. I'm starting now to create t-shirts with the logos and I hope that you like them.
My Latest Updates Show All
New Creation :)Written Oct 14, 2009
Here's my new creation Brown Top I hope you'll like it! :D ...More
Sorry for my absenceWritten Oct 04, 2009
I am very sorry for my long absence but the school takes a long time so I don't have much time to create new things. Shortly i will upload some new creation. I am very happy that you continue to download my creations and I am also happy to have reached 100.000 downloads. Thank you everyone! :D ...More
50.000 Downloads!! :DWritten Sep 06, 2009
50000 download wow i can't believe it, i am very happy that you like my creations. Thank you to everyone who downloaded my creations, you are fantastic and thanks for the comments you leave every day on the creations. A month ago i could never imagine this. THANK YOU!! :D ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fastwebnicoMar 13, 2013
Ciao Giuseppe. Complimenti, hai fatto dei bellissimi lavori. Ho preso qualcosina per i miei sims
Vanilla SimFeb 14, 2010
Happy Valentine’s Day!
JCIssetteJan 28, 2010
Good morning!! I can finally answer your wonderful comment you left me on Cornwall Castle. The comments don't show until they are published. I really appreciate your enthusiasm over my castle. It was a lot of fun to build. I have two more coming up. I have to rest inbetween as they are quite tiring to build. LOL So I build small houses to rest. Have a great day. Hugs, Judy