Grandbear98 (636778)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

1329 Prescot Street (Halliwell...
Published Jun 21, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (113 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Colorado Springs Community
Published Aug 13, 2008
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About Me
I have been playing Sims sinse 2002 with Sims 1 and I am still playing now even with Sims 2 and it's a nice to wind down after work to collect my thaughts. I may not be into carpentry and building homes but Sims makes it easy to build homes which is what I like most about simming. I have created lots of homes and families to fit them. I also redesign homes to fit the families I create. After losing my wife and kids 17 yrs ago to an accident, I am now single and enjoy my free time with my 3 cats, Garfield. Gene and Ginger and playing sims. I enjoy outdoors when I can get out and enjoy it. Hope you like all my work and I always enjoy getting comments and email from fans. I also this webiste alot which got me into do more things and the creations here help me make great designs. Thank you TSR for a wonderful website.
The Sims Resource
Early bird giveaway! Paste in the link to your TSR profile and you may be selected at random to win an Gardening themed download Please state whether you would prefer Sims 2 or Sims 3.
Yesterday at 3:51am · 5933 ·LikeUnlike · Comment · Share I perfer Sims 2
My Latest Updates Show All
Greetings AllWritten Dec 15, 2009
I have been away for awhile because I went back to Sims 2 and I started creating again. I have fully restored my game and created a bunch of New Homes in the base game which after the New Year I plan on bringing them up to TSR. I am also in the process od making a website for my created families in newly restored Hoods. I want to thank everyone for stopping by and for downloading my homes. I... ...More
Back to Sims 2Written Aug 16, 2009
Well after playing Sims 3 for awhile, I decided to go back to Sims 2. Sims 3 to me is a great game, fast loading, Homes are a breeze to make, and it's nice to match anything to go with your home. In aspects I find it great game, which I will go back to from time to time. My turn off is the way the neighborhood plays out, families around you age faster than the one you are playing. I went back... ...More
My Sims 3 creations and my views on Sims 3.Written Jul 30, 2009
As most of you known Sims 3 has hit the airways. For the moment I am taking a break with Sims 2 and am not giving up it totally. I plan on going back to it which I do from time to time. For now I am having fun learning, recreating, and making newer stuff for Sims 3. My projects are recreating my favorite Sims and homes from Sims 2 and bringing them here to you. I find Sims are harder to... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Cassidy simsMay 23, 2013
I really like your design and I want to ask you if you turn started to form in TS2.
i´m sorry my bad english
jsfDec 16, 2009
Well, here I am again a year later ! Thank you for your gracious comment on my work! I'm glad you've come back to Sims2. I have not opened my gift copy of the Sims3 after seeing how the Sims looked and after reading all the comments. For how I play, build, and decorate, its Sims2 for me also. Happy holidays and have a wonderful New Year. judi
shellybell55Aug 16, 2009
Hey, sorry it took a few to get back to you. I dont check the site every day. Anyhoo, yeah I still do have that ghost family as humans in my inventory on the game. I would be more than happy to share them with you. Just let me know. Again, sorry it took a few days. Ill talk at ya soon!! Have a great day!!! Shell