Habhome (1713487)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Recolor of evilcatapila's eyecolors
Published Aug 18, 2007
About Me
If you are looking for someone who can describe himself, you're not looking for me. The sim on the picture looks a bit like me, but I suck at creating sims to look like someone. But I gave it a shot. I didn't even have the right clothes, hairstyle or eyecolor to make it really look like me. English isn't my main language, so you might find alot of bad grammar in everything I write, but I'm doing my best. My actual main language is Swedish, and with that you probably figured it out. I'm Swedish. And yes, I really am kind of paranoid.. But you probably don't care anyhow so I'll just shut up now..
My Guestbook Show All
PsychoSimDec 31, 2007
Thank your for your comment on my Sexy Teen Lingerie Collection 4 and I am glad that you appreciate my creation!
Happy Simming and have a great New Year!
TJANov 24, 2007
Thank you for the comment on the Tower of Rapunzel!
myladycravenNov 10, 2007
hi there Habhome Thank you for the lovely comments on my creations. I really appreciate it! I'm glad you like them. Have a great weekend, Take Care and have fun with my creations Lady Craven