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Hadewych's Guestbook

mutskeFeb 9, 2011

Hi \:D Thank you for your nice comment on my Victorian Build set. Part II will be released soon \:wub\:

Youlie25Feb 9, 2011

It is a pleasure whether your simself like my Ryad !! If you like the Moroccan style, I made another riad call Ryad Al Sirocco. It's largest than Dar Katib because is for a rich desert prince...hum, it's not a palace either....but it's not blue...and not furnished. Sorry for my bad english..i'm french. I wish you, to you and your simself, a good day in Belgium or in Al Simhara. Kiss Julie

Youlie25Feb 9, 2011

Hi and thank you for your nice comment left on the Ryad Dar Katib. Have a nice day. Kiss Julie

CyclonesueFeb 5, 2011

LOL!!!  You made me laugh about your garden.  Well, my whole house is headed that wy right now, and people wonder where I get my inspiration from! \:D \:wub\: Sue

francienJan 29, 2011

Oh..thank you for looking and telling\:rah\: ..ummm I have installed every part it's possible that I have use some decoration from Fast Lane I have to check that out.  [  Of all the additional stuff you mentioned, the TSR ones are included in the download I would think, those of the EA shop should be replaced with generic ones, no?] Yes you would think but it isn't, that is why I'm thinking on putting two kinds of the lots next time..one furnished one empty with only the outside stuff. I thought the EA shop items where replaced by generic ones,\:\(  I haven't download other lots in ages, maybe I should do that to know what is going on in a download when you don't have all the items..Anyway many many thanks for coming back I hope the lot is working fine and you don't miss to much stuff. Have a great day..it's super weather freezing and sunshine \:wub\:

Icia23Jan 28, 2011

Hi dear! \:D thank you so much for your congrats \:wub\: I'm really happy that you like my sweater \:\) take care \:wub\: Kisses Icia \:wub\:

francienJan 28, 2011

Hahaha ik hoop dat het huis en de omgeving is zoals je verwacht!! Ben benieuwd wat je er van vindt als het in je spel staat, wil je me het laten weten als het tegenvalt..soms vervelend als je de bouwer en tester bent \:\) Verder wil ik je nog een heel fijn weekend toewensen, aan het weer zal het niet liggen he? best koud maar ozo lekker dat zonnetje \:wub\:

Demented DesignsJan 26, 2011

I love that idea!  Thank you lol!  \:wub\:

fredbrennyJan 26, 2011

Hi Hadewych! Yes, the whole Apartmentbuilding is included in the download. You will have to replace one with the same measurements with this one. This one is oposite the greay burger place... \:D Thanks for commenting, and downloading!!! Veel plezier ermee!!! \:wub\:

francienJan 25, 2011

\:D hahaha reading your reply on McPherson's Farm bring a big grin on my face, it's good you don't see me haha I know tippety-toe, tippety-toe it's great you got that riddle in your mind, means you like the lot even before you haven't download and played with it..can tell you it's awesome just a home I wish I had myself..therefore it's great you can go in the game and fantasy a bit. When you have download and put it in your game I wish you lots of pleasure with putting your own taste in it.Thank you for your wonderful reply!\:wub\:

ayyuffJan 24, 2011

Hi,Many thanks for your lovely comments \:\) Have an amazing day!

FlatterJan 23, 2011

How terribly nice of you to let me know you could make use of some forum advice. Glad to have you back at the community. Fingers crossed you're up and running for a few years to come \:D Thank you for your high praise on my comics. You made my day so much brighter with your comment. Have fun!

PenelopeTJan 21, 2011

Hadewych, so glad you're back up and running with your Sims! \:rah\: Have a 'Happy Simming' weekend! \:\) ~ Pen

fredbrennyJan 21, 2011

Hi Hadewych \:wub\:  Bedankt voor al je mooie commentaar! Fijn dat het spel nu loopt zoals het moet! Alvast een prettig weekend!!!

simsjeanieJan 21, 2011

Dear Hadewych, thank you so much for the cinnamon rolls; they were delicious! It's not bad to visit TSR in the morning - I always find something to eat while having my morning coffee and checking what's new. My six hours in bed are a looong time, I could have missed something essential! \:D Yes, get all the wonderful medieval stuff - and then begin to play!!! Happy simming! And lots of hugs from Jeanie. \:wub\:

PenelopeTJan 20, 2011

Aww...I was sorry to hear that your game is giving you such trouble. Hope you are able to get it up and running soon. \:\( What kind of trouble are you having. I'm not an expert at trouble shooting when it comes to the Sims, but would like to help, if I can. \;\)

simsjeanieJan 15, 2011

Dear Hadewych - let's see it the other way round: You have plenty of time to download and organise all you've downloaded with pics and links and put the data in one file. And then - when your sims are running again - you can just put all of them at one time in your downloads and install them. You'll save a lot of time by doing that! \;\) I have to take care. When I'm too greedy and don't organise while downloading or installing then I don't know anymore what I've downloaded and from whom. And then I get confused. So don't hesitate: do your downloads and take a paper and make a plan of your medieval house. I've had great fun by planning when I couldn't play my game. Time while waiting at the dentist and such things - I've noticed that time goes by without noticing. \:rah\:

simsjeanieJan 14, 2011

Dear Hadewych - I had to laugh out loud when I read your reply \:D Yes, I know that, you need days to tell all the things that went wrong! There must have been a rather big change with NL because it ran without any problems before I installed NL. It was not so bad for me as adding the Sims3 to the DEP solved my problem. But it must be really bad to sit and wait and know that you have to do some bigger changes like buying and adding a new graphics card. I have to admit I would have been lost. I don't know how to do such things. I have to ask my daughter for that. So I send you some positive energy and hope you'll be successful. Once it is installed you'll have fun again. I know that for sure! Lots of hugs from Jeanie. \:wub\:

simsjeanieJan 10, 2011

Good morning dear Hadewych, here I am with a lovely Latte Macchiato to comfort you. I'm so sorry to hear that your sims refuse to cope! What is it? When I ran NL for the very first time I had a ctd at once, followed by three other ones. I was sad - thought I have to uninstall and stay with the later EPs. But fredbrenny told me to have a look at the DEP problem and it worked like a charm. Actually my game is runner faster and smoother than ever. I do hope you'll get yours to run, too! But anyway - have a great day! We are not so addicted that EA can ruin our day ... \:mad\: Lots of hugs and kisses for you from Jeanie!

francienDec 25, 2010

I wish you a great christmastime and may the New Year be full of love and happyness for you and yours! \:wub\:

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