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Hadewych's Guestbook

katalinaAug 8, 2010

Hiya and thank you so much for the nice comment on my shoe house (Old woman who lived in a shoe)  I appreciate all feedback and thank you!\:wub\:

gissenceAug 6, 2010

And another compliment from you Hadewych for which I'm greatful for. I'm thrilled to know that my work is being integrated in with another artist in the literary realm. Thanks again - Gary

gissenceAug 2, 2010

Thanks so much for the FA congrats! You've been one of my more vocal supporters and I can't thank you enough for that.

lilliebouJul 31, 2010

i know she's so stupid >.

lilliebouJul 31, 2010

hi, thanks for your congratulations \:\) and so far, ea did nothing about the thief \:\(

gissenceJul 28, 2010

I can't believe I've missed your questions this long about the Roman Bath lot on PWI that you posted back on May 28th. I'm SO sorry. Looks like the one issue you still had was the missing wall spaces in the back, either side of the middle pillars. Many times I try to descretely leave a room unclosed for the sake of better lighting, This is what I did with both those small changing rooms. After going back to look at it I guess now it was not neccessary to do that because of the lights in each room. In fact I just now filled them in. Here's what you do - 1) Turn on the moveobjects cheat.  2) Move the piller anywhere out of the way. 3) Place in the wall section and fill in the pattern on each side respectively 4) move the pillar back into place. If it turns dark just keep rotating it till turns light again. 5) Repeat the process with the other pillar. 6) Turn off the cheat. Sorry again Hadewych, please let me know if there is anything else with any of my lots. This isn't an excuse for my over sight but I can guarentee you will get a much quicker response if you post to my guestbook. Thanks - Gary

francienJul 13, 2010

Hi Hadewych!\:D if you want you can move in as a sim..a shame whe can't \:\( the house is very pretty to live I think just enough comfort even it's a bit bush bush \:D  Thank you so much for taking the time to write, it's great to read wath others think about. Hope you have a nice day! \:wub\:

estaticaJul 5, 2010

Hello! I really had a blast with that library patters, I'm really happy you liked it enough to leave a comment. I hope you have fun with it! \:\)

gommel22Jul 5, 2010

Hello! Thank you very much for your comment on my work. Greetings gommel

simromiJun 29, 2010

Hello Hadewych, I appreciate your comment on my Satin and Lace Top and Panties set for teens.  When I created these I had older teens in mind,  I don't think I would like to see a 13 or 14 year old in these in reality, but in the  game it works.  Enjoy and Happy Simming. \:rah\:

CyclonesueJun 27, 2010

Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes!  Huge hugs \:wub\: Sue

djehmliJun 26, 2010

Hias Hadewych, thank you for the comment on the ocean mosaic pattern set, so sorry to hear about your daughter and the wars of wisdom (teeth) \:\)  Hope she is feeling better and that both of you are able to relax and enjoy the weekend. \:wub\:

francienJun 23, 2010

Hi Hadewych..cool idea of Mangio and great when it's possible to turn the lot into a residential one! heheh even I get some idea's of you all :biggrin: Thank you for taking the time to write what you think it's always nice to read them..wish you also a great week further \:wub\:

lilliebouJun 23, 2010

Hi =) I am glad you like my stuff, have fun furnishing it hihi. It is a very big lot, I hope your game won't go slow when you play with it. Have a great day!

AngelaJun 22, 2010

\:wub\: Dank je wel, ik hoop dat je veel plezier zult hebben van de Romantic Bedroom! Fijne dag verder!!

PralinesimsJun 21, 2010

  Hi,\:D thank you so much for your lovely comment on my shoes\:\)\:\) it makes me happy to see you like it!! thank you\:D i wish you a awesome day and a great week!;D   

fredbrennyJun 20, 2010

\:wub\:  Dank je wel!!! For leaving me such a nice comment on my Bonaparte lot! \:D

gissenceJun 6, 2010

Hey there, thanks for not only downloading but leaving those over-the-top complimentsabout Lemuelton.

lilliebouJun 4, 2010

Two in a row \:P Wow tu sembles parler tellement de langues! \:eek\:

lilliebouJun 4, 2010

Loll!!! You're a very nice person and you're funny =P My "mothertongue" is french and since I don't live in Montreal, I don't really speak english.. xD

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