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Hadewych's Guestbook

ProwlerTyloJun 3, 2010

Hello: Thank you for your nice comment on my Screenshot "Unexpected". I appreciate it very much. Take care and have a great week.

missyzimJun 2, 2010

Hello! Thanks for your nice comments on my City Halll and Bath Townhouse! I'm so glad you like them. Missy

frisbudJun 2, 2010

I am so sorry you are having problems with Jimmy. The hair thing is totally my fault. I forgot to note that hair is from High End Loft Stuff since the submisions system doesn't pick up the HELS items. I am assuming you don't have HELS then if you are getting the combover instead. I am editing the description on him right now to include the hair info. It seems that the game has certain items it uses when it needs to replace things. The combover seems to be the replacement male hair style, while the medium length, swept-over bob-type hair is the female replacement. Interesting about the checkered shirt. I haven't seen that yet. That must be the replacement male top then.

djehmliJun 2, 2010

Hiyas, thank you  for the comment on the Sea Shore Pattern set, I love the border too \:\)  Happy Simming!

lilliebouJun 2, 2010

Thanks for your comments on my spiders =P They are only decoration, they don't move \;\)

BlackGardenMay 31, 2010

Hi Hadewych, thanks for the lovely comment on my Single Tile Desks - I'm so happy you like them! Just to be clear, the chairs pictured are all EA chairs that you'll find in your Sims 3 game - the desks are made to match what's already in the game \:\) Happy Simming!

natef005May 31, 2010

Hi, Hadewych! Thanks so much for a wonderful comment on my Silk Tunic! \:wub\:  Love and kisses! \:\)  Natalia.

ayyuffMay 31, 2010

\:D Thank you for lovely comment on the my summer home \:\) yes it has lots of guest bedroom so you can come whenever you want \:D

samusa06May 30, 2010

Hi Again!... Thanks for the comment on my blog. \:D That flip contest was a lot of fun. More fun than I thought it would be given that I can't stand EA houses... lol... You should join in for the next one! \;\)

djehmliMay 28, 2010

You are right, the screen shot is a bit wierd in that it gave me a link to click to the pop up.  The tiles look great, thanks for showing me, it also gives me a better idea on sizing, I never thought of using them on a fireplace \:\)

samusa06May 27, 2010

Hi Hadewych!... Thanks so much for the comment on my guestbook.... I'm totally going for the architect career in ambitions!... lol... how did you guess!... Glad you liked the Bungalow... it's just got approved and is up for download on the 28th. \:D I hope you have fun with it! \:D Hugs, Sam

djehmliMay 27, 2010

Hiyas, so glad you liked the Summer Rose pattern set, hope the tiles worked out for you!

lreveles18May 24, 2010

Hi there! Thank you so much for your nice comment on my "child capri jeans" Children and toddlers deserve trendy clothes too :-)

hatshepsutMay 24, 2010

Hi!  I just found your comment on my blog!  I'm so glad you're enjoying using my terrains, I must get around to making some more some time! Keep on simmin'! \:D

ertt95May 23, 2010

thanks for the nice GB post!

TheSimFanMay 23, 2010

YEP! copy and paste is my best friend, i should  of known you were a former teacher! :P

GosikMay 22, 2010

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Orinoko Dining. I'm thrilled that you like it ... also thank you for the sweet GB entry! Have a great weekend!

TheSimFanMay 22, 2010

Wow you are really creative, i wish had a creative mind like yours! So do you know when you make an object, how much kudos points do you earn?   And I love your work! You're like my mentor. You are the best so far that has created fantastic objects and stuff! Wish you the best!  Oh and please don't forget to answer my questions! Please and Thank yous!! Have a great day!!

matomibotakiMay 20, 2010

\:rah\:Little Stipes 125\:rah\:Very happy by reading your lovely comment in my guestbook. Thank you so much and hopping you enjoy the pattern.\:wub\: \:D \:wub\:

elanorbretonMay 20, 2010

Hi there! Thanks for leaving me a nice comment on my Base Camp. Yes, I did use special doors for the male/female dorms - they are the ones that came with WA for using with male/female bathrooms. It always made me feel weird seeing my sim's little girl iin a bedroom with strange grown men! So I made the rooms for males and females and then some doubles for the couples to share. I hope you enjoy using it in your game ~ Ellie xx

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