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Hadewych's Guestbook

framedarchitectureFeb 27, 2010

I'm so glad you liked the Gamble House! If you're ever in Los Angeles I recommend a tour (I believe it's owned by the University of Souther California) - the details are extraordinary and impossible to capture in a Sims game. All the best to you and your family. ~William 

sims2fanbgFeb 27, 2010

You are very talented.

tdyanndFeb 27, 2010

Thank you for your comment on my Crosswords Pattern. \:D ...it was beastly getting it to make right, but finally managed. I'm glad you like it!

caridinaFeb 27, 2010

Hello! Thanks for your nice comment on my pic of the girls in the park. It's great having a park with all the perfect fruits and trees near \:rah\:

hatshepsutFeb 27, 2010

Thank you for your comment on Fidler's Castle, it was so much fun to build.  I first saw the house on TV and from that moment I just knew I had to 'simify' it!  I just couldn't resist it's cheeky story!\:D

dltn43Feb 27, 2010

Glad the link worked for you too.  The dress isn't so bad either especially when it's recolored.  \:\)  \:wub\:

dltn43Feb 27, 2010

Oh my goodness.  I googled also but didn't do as well as you, because I couldn't find it.  You are awesome.  Thanks for finding that.  It says that Frankie and Louie are really friendly which I think is so cool.  It is amazing that they survived.  \:\)  \:wub\:

gissenceFeb 27, 2010

Hey thanks for the thoughtful remarks you recent left on a few of my builds and particularly about my ribbon. That pose wasn't so much a product of photogragphic skills as it was graphic manipulation skills. I actually took two shots, one of the sims back and another one facing him as he was looking at the screen. I then masked out the face from the latter shot, erased the head from the former shot and pasted the face into that one.

dltn43Feb 27, 2010

LOL!  Your welcome hon.  I'm glad that worked for you.  Sorry I couldn't help you with everything else.  \:D  \:wub\:

wolfspryteFeb 26, 2010

Hi! I just read  your comment over on Cyclonesue's blog!  THANK YOU so much for the lovely comment about my "Cyclone Foundry"...  I'm just speechless truly about Sue blogging about it, not to mention the honor of her downloading it! WOW! \:D   Again, thanks!!  I'm glad you like it!

CyclonesueFeb 26, 2010

Now there would be something!  Spawning trolleys!  Oh, spawning anything (od toilets, litter etc).  \:D  Maybe one day it will be possible, then I can totally ruin people's pretty towns then! \:D \:wub\:

AngelaFeb 20, 2010

Hoi, \:D als je hem zou uploaden zitten er automatisch links bij van de objecten die er bijgevoegd zitten (dat zijn die icoontjes die je bij andere huizen ziet, Als je bijvoorbeeld iets in een screenshot hebt gebruikt wat NIET in je huis bijgevoegd zit, dan kun je de "artikelnummers" bijvoegen in recommended items. Dan krijg je een lijstje met enkel beschrijvingen en links.

AngelaFeb 19, 2010

Hoi, Wat een leuk idee \:\) Ja natuurlijk mag dat. Als je huizen maakt voor op TSR mag je ze zelfs gebruiken in de upload (maar dan wordt jouw huis een subscriber only download) Credit hoeft niet hoor \:\) Ben benieuwd naar de foto's, fijn weekend!

AngelaFeb 18, 2010

En ook bedankt voor het bookmarken \:D

AngelaFeb 18, 2010

Hoi hoi, Dank je wel voor je reacties op mijn Latis Serie \:\) ben benieuwd naar je "sobere" huis \:D

tdyanndFeb 18, 2010

Thank you for the comment on my Gypsy Pattern. I'm glad you enjoy it!

shakeshaftFeb 17, 2010

Hi there ! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my creations, it is very much appreciated. Happy Simming!! Andrea \:\)

katalinaFeb 14, 2010

Hi Hadewych \:D I am thrilled you are enjoying my lots and I don't one to get rid of you lol! Right now I am working on a fantasy community lot. The elf dwelling and my latest poll inspired me to do some more fantasy which I enjoy anyways. This lot may take awhile to finish for all that is going into it but it will be prettier then the elf dwelling. Stay sweet :wub, Kat

MuranoFeb 12, 2010

Hi Hadewych! Thanks a lot for leaving comments on my creations! \:D Very appreciated! \:rah\:

simsjeanieFeb 11, 2010

Dear Hadewych, thank you for leaving your amazing comments on "Iris' old Cottage", and the screenies! I'm so happy that you liked it. Sims3 has many bugs and I won't patch my game after all the comments on the patches and what they do to your game. But the features with sunshine sunrise and sunset with moonlight, the sparkling stars or the way the leaves are moving in the wind are gorgeous ! And I really love sitting with my sims out there at night and enjoy! In real life we have snow, icy roads and the dogs have their paws to be washed after I took them for a walk because people sprinkle the sidewalks with salt. So visiting my sims in the evening I love to relax together with them in a smoothe summer's night! \:wub\:

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