Hanefcik (1678337)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (344 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

100% Nature Carpet Collection
Published Aug 19, 2008
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About Me
My name is Hannah and I'm 23 year old Japanese and Philosophy student from Poland. I've just recently started my adventure with Sim skinning, but I have plenty of plans, and hope to be very good skinner once! I also plan to get aquainted with every aspect of Sims creating, i.e., (apart from skinning) meshing and object recolouring!
As for me, I love foreign languages, pets and everything connected with Japan! If I have any free time I usually create some new outfits for my Sims, waste it pimping the game with every possible custom content or reading Kant and other philosophers (my most favourites are Seneca, Plato, Kirkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, Hume, Russell). I like: driving a car, learning languages, training my dog, watching films, listening to music, reading vampire stories and making origami. I don't like: rudeness, jeloussy, violence, reckless drivers, false and frail friendships.
My Latest Updates Show All
There's no place like London...Written Oct 12, 2008
Hello! If you ever wondered, why there haven't been anything new from me for a longer time, the answer is simple: I'm abroad to study! I finally got accepted to university to study my dreamt-of major, Japanese, and the uni is one of the best worldwide while it comes to teaching oriental languages and cultures! I feel so lucky! Every year there are many candidates from many... ...More
Pending submissions ended!Written Aug 25, 2008
Hurray! TSR staff gave my creations the second chance and now they are approved and to be released on Aug 26. Yay! Now my will to create is back, because it was missing because of disappointment when I opened a page and each time I saw that no creations are being approved! Now I can create more and more! Thank you, TSR staff, you're great! Take care, Hannah ...More
Bitter, but sweet, I hope...Written Aug 23, 2008
As you know, it's all about Peony Floor Collection, that is still pending from more than 2 weeks. They are still pending, of course, but eventually the mail came on Thursday, where the staff lady explained to me that the floors are still pending because they look broken, it est: they are not seamless. I asked for checking the set again, because maybe the fact that pictures on TSR are displayed... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
*HollyDec 19, 2008
~**~ Zycze Ci nadziei, wlasnego skrawka nieba, zadumy nad plomieniem swiecy, filiznki dobre kawy, pogodnych swiat zimowych, odpoczynku, zwolnienia oddechu, nabrania dystansu do tego, co wokol, chwil roziskrzonych koleda, smiechem i wspomnieniami. Wesolych Swiat! ~**~ ~Holly
charrayOct 16, 2008
Great job on your creations Thanks alot for sharing them
narnianaOct 14, 2008
Hi!!I really love your creations!!And i'd like to ask you where did you get the hair in the avatar screenshot?!It's awesome!!Thank you for your time!