HeavenlyAngel (383061)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (177 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Lovely Valentine Bedroom
Published Jan 16, 2007
About Me
I have been playing the sims for about 2 years and started creating my own walls and floors about a year ago for The Sims 1. I started walls and floors for The Sims 2 just a few months ago and just went from there. I have enjoyed working with the simming community and can't wait to keep doing more.
Thank you for visiting my profile page.
Thank you so much, DeeDee for the wall templates.~~~~
[Update] It is now 2016 and I just bought The Sims 4. I am hoping to try my luck with creations there. Been a LONG time.
My Latest Updates Show All
First Blog EntryWritten Sep 10, 2007
Well, I noticed that my page looked a bit bare without this blog thing going. I am going to get ready to do a full Halloween Livingroom recolor (since I don't do meshing). I hope you all enjoy it and download for your own fun. Please let me know if you can't see the banner at the top of my page. I am unable to see it, but was told that it is there by TSR staff. So, if you can or can't... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsAug 17, 2016
periwinklesAug 10, 2016
Hi, thanks for the comment on my Country Club Lot!! sorry for the late reply i was out of town, but about the window recolors, you're right! i think the creator is updating links to their downloads and the windows are missing as of right now, you can replace those windows with the ones in the game, or use this recolor i found that is similar: http://modthesims.info/d/544673 , thanks for letting me know and sorry again!!
PralinesimsMay 28, 2016
Thank U so much!! Hugs and kisses♥