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Hordriss's Guestbook

UnzadiNov 27, 2007

\:wub\: Finding your creations has made my morning. I love putting my Sims through generations, and now I can make their wardrobes reflect the changing times. Wonderful, wonderful work. I am in complete vintage bliss. \:rah\:

clivebutterworthNov 2, 2007

Hello and thank you for signing my guestbook. Yay, first entry! I only signed up today when a google search brought up the swimsuit. Had to have it because I'm trying to build a 1930 - 1950 neighborhood. It's quite hard to find clothing for that era. Take care \:wub\:

drewsolteszNov 1, 2007

Hello again Hordriss! This is the last installment until December.. thank you for the kind, thoughful and intelligent comment on Part 5 of 'The Van Helsing Chronicles' Part 6 is now posted, would be honoured if you read and commented on it! Yes, I did not find medieval clothes until after I had done the pics, I did not want to bury him in his armor, so I picked the next thing I could think of!!(vampire clothes, def. Victorian) LOL!\;\) Cheers!\:\)

drewsolteszOct 26, 2007

HI Hordriss!! You are amazing...When I read your comment I had part V already done, so you will have your questions answered! I too, feel bad about Victor, he is too happily married to have more of a storyline...I try to work him in when I can! So when you get a minute, I look forward to your comment on Part 5, Cheers mate!\:D

andi and grimOct 22, 2007

cool! the most popular thing i had has been on this site since septeber 26th 2007 and that has had about 600 downloads and 20 thank yous, i wish more people said thanks dont you?

drewsolteszOct 18, 2007

Hi Hordriss and thank you for the kind comment on 'Van Helsing~Part III~' I do appreciate it!! The new chapter (Part IV) is now posted, I would be honoured if you read and commented on it!\:\) I noticed the ribbons on the uniform as well, LOL! I see you have a WW I uniform, I have downloaded it and will be using it for another character soon going off to war...I will credit you, naturally! Cheers!! (also hoping to work in your flapper dresses!!)

chokladkolaOct 10, 2007

Stopping by to say thank you. I'm a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice, both the book and the BBC mini series. And now I can play it in Sims as well. Perfect! Thank you!

drewsolteszOct 10, 2007

Hordriss, when you get a moment, I would be honoured if you read Part III of Van Helsing, now posted. Thanks for your great comment on the second part! Cheers!!\:\)

drewsolteszOct 9, 2007

Good question about Dracula's brides. I did the first installment as a homage to the Coppola film, no question. Had no intention of continuing the tale in any form, so when I did, I conveniently dismissed the first installment's subplots, sloppy I know. \;\)

koneillOct 3, 2007

We need more halloween object and more skin's

drewsolteszSep 30, 2007

Hello again! Thanks so much for your great comments on the remainder of the Dracula tale! You are so right about the ending, I did end it rather abruptly, I am not much for continuing tales, and found myself getting tired/bored so I wrapped it up rather quickly! And it is amazing what your said about Jane's capture, I am working on Part 4 of Van Helsing, and Dracula pays an old and infirm Jane a visit, and they discuss her kidnapping!! I think I got the globe and bookcase at Vitasims 2, unfortunately, it was a donation set! And I may have been channeling "Wuthering Heights" no question! LOL! Hope you find the time to comment on Van Helsing sometime soon as well, Cheers~~Karen\:\)

drewsolteszSep 27, 2007

Good day, I thank you for reading and commenting on the first 2 parts of my Dracula tale, I was very much influenced by Coppola's film, even re-did a few scenes, but the subsequent chapters are all my invention. If you find you have time on your hands someday and wish to peruse and comment on the other installments, I would be honoured. Also great work on the Prisoner lots! My husband is a huge fan (he has the series on DVD) I called in to show him your lots, he was very impressed as well. take care~~

koneillSep 18, 2007

Hi I like your site but you should make Halloweentown 1 and 2 character Skin.that I deal. That all we need more Halloween stuff to. thank for lisen my I deal. thank Koneill

BeOSBoxBoySep 8, 2007

Hi again, Hordiss. Firstly, I agree with ExploiterOmega, the game has to much "pretty" - I may make bodybuilders but I admire the work of every mesher and artist in this community that does anything that fills in the huge gaps in the "look & feel" of The Sims 2. Whether you make sci-fi themes, gothic themes, or over-weight sims, it is all admirable and worthy of great respect. I will take a look at the various designs of the cyberman over the history of the Doctor Who series and try to think of a way to make the head gear more faithful to the designs in the series. You may need to poke me with sharp sticks to keep me awake though, some of those older episodes were dead boring \;\)

ExploiterOmegaAug 26, 2007

Personally I say to heck with the modern stuff. Not all of us are "beautiful people". Please keep doing what you like, I like it too!

thecookiejarAug 2, 2007

I can tell all the hard work you put into the Vampire clothes, they are gorgeous in the game!! You did an excellent job and should be proud of them. I hope to see more from you soon (and thanks for signing my guestbook!). Take care.

ladyjaneJul 29, 2007

I was wondering if you could make some hoop skirts for the sims. There are a lot of meshes around that you could use. Thanks, Carol

Eve70May 3, 2007

\:confused\: Hi, again. I don't know why you would not be proud! I can not make meshes, do recolors, or build a house. Your creations look great, and are of a much needed nature. Should a painter not be proud of their art, simply because they can't make the paint or the canvas? I can't make skins, but I am proud of the sims I create with other artists' skins. You should give yourself some credit. Thanks, again.\:\) \;\)

Eve70May 3, 2007

Hi. I've been downloading your creations ALL DAY, and just had to drop you a line to say Thanks ever so much! I don't get to see all of the BBC's shows, but I do get 'Blackadder', 'Last Of The Summer Wine', 'Dr. Who', and 'Are You Being Served?'. I love them all, and I love your work! I'm going back to download more of your creations now. Oh, I also love that I don't have to download any meshes! Keep it up!!\:wub\: \;\) \:cool\: \:rah\:

msrednotdeadJan 10, 2007

love your dr who series and my ntoddler loves your postman pat and now with pets i can make her a jess to go with him thnaks for sharing

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