HunterHostage (2827040)
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Tanktop With Shorts.
Published Oct 3, 2009
About Me
My Name is Hunter Hostage.
My age is non-of your business.
I recolor hair and make clothes and make up.
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Simming-GlimmerStyleWritten Oct 01, 2009
Hello, I came to TSR advertising We are a totally free, high quality creations site. Check out my creations on TSR, those are only Samples of what there is at SGS. If you like what you see, come join us :). ...More
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pretty_babyOct 13, 2009
Hey as long as you are trying that is the main thing. When i started making shoes they were really bad REALLY bad ahha. BUT I practiced and practiced and really practiced and im still notperfect but hey its good fun in th mean while. That website had other peoples stuff on it/? terrible they probably did get busted and taken down..thats pretty terrible hey. It keeps givin me page cannot be found site.
pretty_babyOct 12, 2009
Thanks for getting the link back to me..its a shame its broken im realy curious about ths website..Ill ask around see what I can drag up about it...maybe they have moved and I can find it. Just dont like stuff not being used especially stolen. And Im serious you should give making your own shoe textures ago..there is heaps of good websites with great pictures It takes alot to get used to but its worth it.
pretty_babyOct 10, 2009
Thanks for the quick response...if the site was this one then if you read the TOU it doesnt give permission for peoples to use my it must have been another site. I would really appreciate it if you could remember which one so I could address the issue to whoever is doing this. I really dont like it when other people use my textures because I have spent alot of time on them. I mean I cant stop you from doing whatever you want but its not in my TOU. You should give making them a go..its quite easy and a challange.