IceCreamQueen (1669013)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (51 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Miniature Window
Published Aug 20, 2010
About Me
Hi, my name is Brody, friends call me Brods. I'm 23 years old and I'm half German/half English.
I am addicted to/obsessed with the following; Placebo, chewing on bath sponges, my Blackberry, sugary goodness, singing, make-up, hair-dye, opening packets or generally anything the CORRECT way, violence, gore.
I'm a very paranoid person, sometimes shy and at times, quite unsociable. I am weird, and I do mean WEIRD in every sense of the word. I am a mean uncaring person, and I'm only nice to a very small number of people, I hope they appreciate it. D:
I rant quite often, it can be about anything, politics seems to be my favourite subject at the moment.
My favourite smiley is: D:
I adore the colour grey, ADOREEEEEE GREEEY.
Bright, sunny days are *horrible*. My eyes BURN when it's too light. I am a vampire and I prefer being in the dark. ^^
I love body modifications, tattoos, piercings....Mmmm *drools*. I also enjoy tattooing other people. *stab stab stab* My ears were BOTH stretched to 48mm, but one decided it wanted out, so now only one ear is stretched these days.
My style is somewhat random, sometimes I will wear nice dresses and girly things, and other times I will wear guys clothes, shirt, tie, waistcoat etc.
I am bi-sexual, mostly prefer females but a guy has my heart at the moment.
If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to PM me, I don't bite (much).
My Latest Updates Show All
*awakes*Written Oct 30, 2011
I have stumbled back upon TS3 after a break. I was away for some TIME! It wasn't at all planned, but I am back. I am starting to play the game again, try get back into the swing of things and make some more stuff for the game for other people to enjoy. If anyone wants to PM me for whatever reason, I always do my best to reply. If there's a problem with any of... ...More
Well, herro to anyone who reads this...Written Aug 16, 2010
I really LOVE and appreciate everyones wonderful comments on my work, I always try write back to all the lovely people who take their time in writing kind words about my creations. If I don't always comment back it's because my life if pretty hectic, I could be on my laptop one minute and running around with an octopus on my head the next. But in all seriousness, I have three... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
AlquizJul 10, 2013
Three words for you: Best name ever!
skyandcookieAug 08, 2012
hello, sorry to anny you :/, but where is this hair from??
PralinesimsDec 19, 2010
****We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥ and a gorgeous day!!*****
°°°°Happy simming!°°°°
*Hugs and Kisses*