Jenn Simtopia (5834951)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (42 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Oct 15, 2014
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hi My name is Jenn. I was born in Canada but now live in the Netherlands. I speak English and Dutch. I love the sims and play and create everyday
- Do not reupload or claim as your own.
- You may take screenshots of my sim ingame and share, Credit is appreciated but optional.
- Do not reupload or claim as your own.
- If you wish to use or share my screenshots in any way give proper credit.
- Do not reupload or claim as your own.
- My painitings are TSR aa YES
- If you download and use my painting and post pics. credit is nice.
If these rules are not followed i will take action without warning to have it removed.
If you come across one of my creations on another site please let me know in a PM here on TSR or Facebook.
Thank you!
My Latest Updates Show All
Year in ReviewWritten Dec 23, 2014
So I have been in the Sims community for a little over a year now, although I have played Sims since 2009. So much has happened! I went from playing the game alone to sharing in Sims groups to then making my own creations and sharing them here on TSR. I have learned so much, and made so many great new friends. I cherish you all. Whether I know you very well or only know of your creations...I... ...More
Feeling Blessed :)Written Aug 10, 2014
So today I uploaded my second house to TSR. My second house, and only my eighth creation. I was just so happy to even be abled to get my creations on TSR. And now this is the second out of the eight to make it to the Featured Page! I don't say this to brag (although of course I am proud of myself), but rather out of sheer joy! :) Creating and sharing brings me great joy. And being validated by... ...More
PolicyWritten Jun 18, 2014
Sims: Do not reupload or claim as your own. You may take screenshots of my sim ingame and share, Credit is appreciated but optional. Lots: Do not reupload or claim as your own. If you wish to use or share my screenshots in any way give proper credit. Objects: My painitings are TSR aa YES... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Manu.Thesims4Feb 11, 2017
but I can not
RemusSirionJan 24, 2017
A children's skin is on my to do list
PralinesimsMay 16, 2016
♥ Thank you sooooooo much!♥