JeziBomb (2761743)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (129 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Olive Branch
Published Jun 1, 2012
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About Me
Hi!! I'm a mother of 3 boys and completely addicted to my Sims. I love the objects and stuff everyone makes. I, however, just know how to make simple things. I'm still new to meshing but, I'm learning as I go. One day I hope to be as good as some of the artists here. Visit my personal website @
My Latest Updates Show All
New SiteWritten Mar 10, 2013
My new Sims 3 custom content site ...More
Cool Custom ContentWritten Jul 11, 2010
I get asked a lot where I find stuff so, I'm gonna give a list of some places to find really great custom content. A few of the artists are familiar to us and a few are new. I'd like to also point out that where ever you download objects from besure to have antivirus protection. I've not had any problems so far but there is always that chance. A lot of the sites I visit are spanish, german,... ...More
Thank youWritten Nov 15, 2009
I would like to thank all the artists and TSR for the awesome job done with content and for the ease of download and use. This is my favorite site for Sims stuff. Kudos to every one of you. ...More
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45Shooter13Jan 01, 2024
Hi JeziBomb, I came across your Home Furnace while looking for something to make my basements look more realistic in The Sims 4. Nobody has done anything as good as you for this as your Home Furnace, unfortunately it's for the Sims 3and I see that you haven't been on in some time and have a don't use my mesh for anything not related posted, I myself don't know how to redo things for one Game to another but I do know of a Very talented Artist who does Their Name is SIXAM, and I would love to contact them and show them your Home Furnace and see if they are interested in doing the conversion from the Sims 3 to the Sims 4, with your permission of course. I'm going to assume if Either one of us doesn't hear back from you that this was abandoned and it falls under the related part of your post. If I'm wrong please let use know as soon as possible, Sincerely and with best regards, Keith Horchens
TrishthenerdFeb 16, 2017
Hey just wanted to say that your doors with the stained glass are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for making them ♥
JeziBombMay 15, 2013
I ran the file through Total Virus and it came up clean. Your virus must have attached to the hat file while on your system.