JovialJoy (633962)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The McMorton Ranch
Published Oct 5, 2005
About Me
Coming from a podunk city in southeastern Washington State, USA, I'm a diehard nondenominational Christian creationist. Given this one could assume, and be correct in doing so, that I'm pretty conservative and have very orthodox ideals. Regardless of that, I do embrace liberal people and take great joy in talking about politics, religion and science (no matter how much the views differ). I'm currently working two jobs and find myself quite busy. The time I do have to spend leisurely, I like to be lazy and play The Sims 2. Upon the release of The Sims 2 Body Shop, I had begun getting into computer graphics in skinning. I'm still very interested in it but prefer not to spend what little time I have getting frustrated in an attempt to create something for the game.
My Guestbook Show All
simangel234Dec 30, 2007
Thank You So Much For Your Comment On My "A Chinese Tale" Picture! I Really Appreciate It! Take Care!
alechanDec 29, 2007
HI! Thanks for your comment on my spaceship shot! I appreciate it! Happy New Year!