Jubilant (1205146)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (226 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Caddie Plaid Bedroom Set
Published Feb 9, 2007
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About Me
Hello fellow addicts! I love creating and writing stories for Sims 2. I like to keep my creations in the style of the original game. I am not a big fan of realistic. I am a graphic designer in the real world and creating for Sims is just another outlet for creativity. Drop me a PM anytime or sign my GB.
My Latest Updates Show All
Chapter 27Written Dec 27, 2008
I took probably 5 hrs installing all my sims games and I completed chapter 27. Yes, I completed it and am going to upload it very shortly. I hope to have chapter 28 done next week. Then finally the story will end. ...More
Good NewsWritten Oct 17, 2008
Hi everyone! thanks for the kind words and comments. I have some good news. I got my computer fixed. I am still installing all the programs and have big plans to finish CSFB in November. I do have a couple days off for my birthday and will most likely use them to finish this story up once and for all. Thanks all for being so patient! ...More
RetiringWritten Aug 11, 2008
Hi everyone. I am letting you all know that I am retiring. I will finish my story though once I get a new computer or something. My current one won't even turn on. I'll be around leave me nice messages. I love all my friends at TSR. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ScwtJul 20, 2009
Did you fall off the face of the earth?
If so.....what a shame you were a very good writer.
miller1220Jun 16, 2009
Hey! I just finishhed Cassandra's search for Bella.......What about Chapter 28? I was hoping for that to come......Where is it? It was such a great story. I had always wanted to write a story about Bella goth.....and now you have inspire dme even more. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joker52455Apr 18, 2009
I usually put my review on the story, but in this case the story's too big! Cassandra's search for Bella is the model for a writer who wants to write a story that entices the reader with every part that's published and has virtually no cons. I can tell you put your heart, soul, and time into this 27-part story and it's so good that it surpasses any rating I can give you, but I'll try to give you a fair rating. Rating: